Friday, December 28, 2007

Read it: NOT!

Sometimes I pick up books and do not finish them...they deserve acknowledgment. You may think "gee, if she didn't like it, it must be good"
It doesn't mean the book was bad, just not for me
No Country for Old Men by Cormac McCarthy: Just could not do it. I read quite a bit. McCarthy is a very skilled author and I can appreciate that...sometimes, I just did not know what was going on and that is no fun. One thing he did that I thought was effective, was using short sentences. The sentences were sometimes not even nouns and verbs. I think this made for a very intense novel. I did see the movie though:)
[a funny story about the movie...Jerry and I were in a shop for people with more money than taste and the shop owner was talking really loud in a really Southern accent about "We jes' saaaw this movie las' niiight, it wuz weird, it wuz called "Too Much Country for Too Tough Men", needless to say we make up our own unique title every time]
Then We Came to the End by Joshua Ferris: This was a NYT Book Review notable book of 2007. It is about corporate life. I've been there, so I thought this would be entertaining. The problem I had with it was that it was written entirely in first person plural. Yep, everything was "We...". I get it---corporate culture , lack of identity, getting on my last nerve...also, I read that the book was more like loosely tied together stories. I really like a plot that goes from one end of the book to the other. So, probably not bad but I'd rather just watch Office Space. [when I had my old job I would not let Jerry watch this movie if I was home when it was re-running on Comedy Central, I was like "please, I have to go there tomorrow"] We did not like this book, we were not amused. Then we returned it to the library.

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