Sunday, January 20, 2008

Petted it: Junior, the Elizabeth Taylor of the dog world

Yet again, Junior has injured himself. This time it is a torn toenail that is bleeding and painful. I tried to trim it myself, but he yelped and then was shaking (sad and cute at the same time) which required me to give him reassuring hugs "there there, there there". I am perfectly prepared to perform a tracheotomy if needed. I am pretty sure all I need is a ball point pen.
Today is Junior's estimated birthday (he is 45 according to the weight/ year chart at the vet's) , nothing like a trip to the vet. Luckily, he only got the nail trimmed, not as far back as where it is broken. The tech also trimmed the rest of his nails. Junior got a day at the spa for his birthday!

He is worth it though. Yesterday he played gentle giant with Lily (our friend Tom's little girl). She loves petting Junior and he loves being petted. In many circles, Junior is known as the Mr Darcy of the dog world. He is also a super genius and as proof:

Junior prefers standing in two rooms at once, if that isn't brilliant, I don't know what is. Junior, smartest dog ever!

1 comment:

aimee said...

I agree! Junior is the smartest dog! And definitely the sweetest! I need to send you the picture of Junior and Addy in the matching pose...they're so cute!