Monday, January 14, 2008

Read it: Happiness is an Inside Job: practicing for a joyful life by Sylvia Boorstein PhD

This is the first time I have ever read a "self-help" book, however, I do think I picked a good one. I just liked the title, and was unsure what the book was about. I really enjoyed it and it has helped me tremendously. I like(d) to dwell on things a little too much, especially things I have no control over, sometimes constantly re-living the past, or imagining the future, anything but living in the present.Sylvia teaches you why and how to avoid this through Buddhist concepts. She is good at explaining things and gives really good examples to illustrate. The book is well written. Sylvia teaches and when reading the book I feel like she is speaking to me. I feel like this book has made a big impact on me already. I will probably read more by her, read similar books or re-read this one. Many of the things she talked about I naturally do. I think you can choose to be happy even when life throws you challenges.
The cold is getting better. I canceled my doctors appointment this am. I still have a few days to go I think, but feeling 100% is on the horizon! I am also happy that I will not need to take an anti-biotic.


aimee said...

You are definitely the fastest reader I know! I don't know how you do it! I'm unemployed and I've been trying to read the same two books for about four months now...and then I just stopped and now I'm reading Michael Pollen's new book "In Defense of Food".

aimee said...

P.S. Glad to hear that you're starting to feel a bit better! Please give Kissa, Mr. Biscuits, Junior and Addy big hugs from me, Eric and The Zippie!

Amy said...

oh, I have been reading several books at a time lately. I am always finishing something up.I have been reading on that one since the end of last year. Have you read Animal Vegetable Miracle by Barbara Kinslover? I haven't but it is supposed to be good.
Hope you are feeling well:)