Sunday, January 6, 2008

Watched it: 3 movie weekend

Friday night we rented Ocean's Thirteen. It was good. I guess the best thing about it (other than George Clooney, the best thing of anything starring George Clooney) was Casey Affleck. In the movie he was supposed to sabotage some dice in a South of the Border dice factory, instead he led the workers in a revolt. It was entertaining and worth watching, especially if you like heist movies. ~recommend~
Saturday I saw Atonement with my friend Stacy. I read the book by Ian McEwan on her recommendation and loved it. The movie was an excellent representation of the book. James McEvoy is quite the hottie (no George Clooney, of course, that would be impossible). One of my favorite things about the movie was the music. Often they turned a monotonous sound (like the sound of a typewriter) into the beginnings of intense music. I also like how the delicately handled a not so delicate word that plays a big part in the plot, very clever--it was never once uttered, but it still had a huge impact. We both thought reading the book is a good idea before watching the movie. ~highly recommend~

I have been on the couch ever since returning from that movie with the worst cold ever.
Really it is bad. I haven't had a fever, but I feel wretched. Really bad sore throat and stuffy nose. While Jerry and Scott watched football, I watched Waitress upstairs. It was cute. Keri Russell's cohorts in the movie were hilarious. It made me want to bake a pie! ~recommend~

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